Hey buck hunters! Today a very simple tip for a quick 44% of your investment capital: Barack Obama will be the next US president. The polls, the results of the democrats' race, the public and private US interests (I'm referring now to the big boys in high places effectively leading America from the shadow) - they are all on his side. I don't like it one bit, in fact I'm not a fan of Obama at all! However, my instinct tells me that I should seize this opportunity to make some decent money, and that's exactly what I just did.
The politicians have always been making huge profits on our expense - maybe it's time we got something back. Whether you are into politics or not, you cannot afford to miss this!In terms of investment risk/reward it doesn't get much safer than this!
So, just choose Barack Obama as your favorite for White House and make some nice money! That's right, it is possible! Click here and make your bet! Are you as sure as I am of the presidential elections result? Then put your money where your mouth is and let's make some cash together! The early bird reward for choosing the "right" president is 44% of your investment, so take advantage of this while it lasts. This is much safer than any sports bet, trust me - there is no way the corporate sharks will allow Obama to lose these elections and see their interests hurt by McCain winning the big race! The risk to reward for this opportunity is so great that I jumped on it right when I saw it and I suggest you do the same. You will congratulate yourself for having the guts to try this now, when the reward is still worth the risk...
Click here to choose Obama for president and celebrate the US elections with a 44% gain in your investment capital!
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bet on Obama, the Favorite for the US Presidential Elections & Make a Quick 44%
Friday, June 13, 2008
Make a Fortune from Trading Online! -
Part 3) Why Is This a Free Ride?
Is it really?
I know what you are thinking - "this guy is selling us crap, if it's free then what's in for him? There's no such thing as charity in business!" That's right, this ain't about charity - giving the system to you is part of my investment plan. And yes, there is something for me if you decide to take my offer, but:
1) I am not taking A DIME from any of you guys, but from my broker;
2) my broker is paying my commission from his own profit, not yours and
3) If you are not profitable I don't get any profit at all! We are in together, or not at all!
Let me tell you exactly how this works:
- my broker wants new clients, because the more active clients he has the more money he makes - makes sense, right? He wants your business so much that he is willing to pay me part of his profit just to get you aboard! He makes profit from your trading no matter what, so he is happy to get you no matter if you are good or bad - for him you are just added profit, even after he pays my commission. He will tell you he wants you to make money but quite frankly - that's just horse shit! Trust me, he doesn't want that, or at most he just doesn't care.
- I want more profits from my introducing broker program (I'm going to present that direction to you as well, right here on the blog, there's no secret about it!), so I want as many of you guys signing up with my broker, not other brokers out there. I could even let you choose between several good ones, because no matter how hard you try to avoid it, you WILL STILL HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE BROKER, EVENTUALLY. Personally I hate them - they are NOT on the side of the trader and I know that very well by now - but we need them to make our own cash from the market. They are a necessary evil, that's the real truth... Sooner or later, if you get involved into this business you HAVE TO choose one, and here's where I come in: why not choose a GOOD ONE, instead of trying to guess?
- another important aspect for you to consider is: I will make money from
your trading only AS LONG AS YOU TRADE. If you trade your entire life, I will make money from your trading for as long as we live! If you decide to quit for any reason - no more commissions for me! Now, you can easily imagine that a guy that has just lost money trading FOREX has no intention of ever trading again (at least that's what a normal person would do, right?). On the other hand, if you follow my system (or other, I don't care!) and you MAKE MONEY, I will continue to make money with you for as long as it works for you! Again: if you lose money, I don't make any profit from your loss, while if you make profits, and do it over and over again, that will keep the cash flow in my account!
Make no mistake, it's MY ACCOUNT that I'm primarily interested in, and I will never deny that! However I need you to be a winner to keep getting commissions from my broker for your activity - and my profits do not affect you at all, in any way. I'm giving away to you all I know free of charge to you, but I AM STILL GETTING PAID - BY MY BROKER! This is not a free ride, it's a business. Part of my business is to keep you happy, profitable, and investing more. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IF YOU SEE WHAT I'M SAYING IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU?? How could I convince you of staying with me if the whole thing is just not worth our time and attention? I want to show you it is working, and you could build your own fortune while keeping each other happy, for as long as possible!
- also, think about this: why would I choose a bad broker to collect commissions from? There are lots to choose from, and I have no interest to send you to a broker which will cause you problems. If you are not happy and move elsewhere I don't get my commission, remember? My best interest is that you will stay with that broker, and for that purpose I tested the broker myself to make sure you don't get disappointed by their services. For me it makes no difference which broker I am collecting the commissions from - I might as well choose one that I know is good - makes sense, doesn't it?
- legitimate question: it cannot be that everyone is happy - FOREX is a zero-sum game, right? Wrooong! It's even worse than zero-sum, because the broker takes a tiny little piece of the pie too - so your chances are less than 50%/50% to begin with! Here's your honest answer to the question: out of 10 traders, 7 are losers, 2 might struggle to break even, while only one is a constant winner. If someone tells you "everyone is happy" don't buy that crap - for every happy guy investing in this business there are 9 unhappy losers, that's the reality! If you are not strong enough to accept that, then this market is no place for you to begin with.. Usually, nobody is cheating those losers - they are losing money out of their own free will by being stupid, uneducated, uninformed or simply not able to cope with the mental requirements of this business. We are all equal in front of the charts, we all have the buy and sell buttons, and we all watch Bloomberg - however some of us make money from trading and some of us lose - that's the dynamics of the game.
If you like the sound of that - join me in the 10% winners' group and I will turn you into a winner. If not - go for a walk in the park or something, life's too short to be spent
with computers and charts anyway! :) And I mean that...
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
Make a Fortune from Trading Online! -
Part 2) The Investment Plan
Back on the topic of HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL FOREX TRADER, with maybe the most important part of the whole deal: your INVESTMENT PLAN. That's right, you have to know beforehand what you are getting into, what's the risk involved and the expectations you have from your trading. That's how you keep control over your money and make sure you are not wandering around blindly, like many people in this business do without even knowing it.
So here's how we kick off - I'll let you in on the basics of the market, what you need to know, what you risk when trading and what you should aim for. Then starting next time we can move to the practical details about how to get things rolling.
First - what does FOREX mean and why this market? It's an abbreviation for "foreign exchange", the biggest financial market in the world and one of the most volatile. It's the environment of big investment sharks as well as investment dummies, the former constantly feeding themselves with the latter. Why this market and not the stock exchange? I can give you many reasons. First, its unregulated so you don't risk getting bankrupt just because some company on the other side of the world is facing internal difficulties. Then, you don't really need "inside information" - it's so large that actual manipulation is almost impossible unless there's a big guy with deep pockets working for some major central bank or investment fund doing it. Also, it's the only one allowing you 1) easy/instant access, all internet-based; 2) possibility to start small, and demo trade until you know what you are doing; 3) possibility to aim for large profits compared to your investments due to very high leverage; 4) possibility to trade around the clock, 5 days per week - and the list could continue. There are many highly educated guys making huge cash on FOREX and many stupid losers who just cannot help wasting their time and money. I'm an investor - I don't want a fortune overnight, but i want that fortune to come at some point. And the key to such a success is A GOOD SOUND INVESTMENT PLAN.
In a nutshell, the steps to live trading on FOREX are few and simple. You go to an online broker, open a free demo account and you can start demo trading in just 2 minutes - no obligation, no hassle, 100% free of charge. This demo is EXACTLY the same as a real account, so you can get familiar with all the procedures before putting any money into a real account. You can and should demo for a while, as you need to understand how this works. Then, once you like what you see over a period of time you can apply for a live account, fill in some forms and in just a few days you are ready to go. The broker sends you the bank details for sending your cash, and credits that money to your account upon receipt (be careful who you are sending money to - make sure you double check!!). You can get everything ready very easy and fast, but the really important aspect is when and how you are going to capitalize on your investment. That's why you need an investment plan in the first place.
OK, so here's what you need to know. First, you decide on how much cash you are willing to allocate for this venture. It should be any amount you are comfortable with, not too much - there should be no psychological pressure on you when trading, you must remain focused at all times. Let's assume you decide on investing 1000$, and you are willing to keep this money in your account for 1 year. This means you will be accumulating profits (or suffering losses) without withdrawing any amount for a period of 1 year. The first question is: how much (in % return on investment) will make you happy after 1 year? Will you be happy to accumulate 100$, or you are thinking more like 1000$ extra added to your initial investment?
The first thing you need to know is that an investor thinks in terms of percentages, not cash. Of course at the bottom of all things lies cash, and lots of it - but you cannot realistically expect to make 1.000.000$ starting with 100$ in only 1 year - theoretically it's possible but the probability is NOT on your side.. I'm sure you get my drift...:) Getting back to earth, I'd say a 10% profit expectation (return on investment) after 1 year is way too low if you take into account the huge opportunities offered by this market and the system I'm going to present to you guys. A 50% yearly profit sounds more like it, although you could go all the way up to 100% - trust me, it's a REALISTIC and achievable target! I know it because I made almost 60% profit on my account last year, and I'm planning to make more than 100% this year! If you try tripling your account in 1 year you are cheeky, but still not ridiculous - the risk may be higher but it's still achievable. 500% per year is already cowboy stuff for me, and if you aim for that you risk more than 50% of your initial balance, which for me is kinda rough. All the figures above are for neck breakers or stupid losers, and I don't care for such people. If you are happy with doubling or tripling your capital in one year then I may be just your man, and I can tell you one thing for sure: we could be helping each other a lot!
This might sound like casual chat to some of you guys, but trust me this is serious stuff. Even more serious is how you accept and pursue your objectives and IF YOU MANAGE TO KEEP YOUR PROMISE MADE TO YOURSELF AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ROAD. There's a sea of money out there, and people are greedy. I'm greedy, maybe you are greedy too. Greed and fear are the trader's worst enemies! You start indulging into these pathetic emotions and you might be dead for the market! Here's the good news: if you control your greed and respect your plan, then you're half way there. The other half is controlling your fear - and that's why we FOLLOW A SYSTEM. We follow a system because we're humans and humans make mistakes. The system is there to structure our moves, the system does not care about emotions the way we do! The system is not feeling fear or greed or remorse - the system is either good or bad, end of story. I followed some systems over the last 4 years, and some of them were good. The one I'll be presenting to you is very good: it's trend-following, it's proved to give good results, it carries a low risk and - best news for you - im offering it to you for free! Why for free? Just go to the following post and you will find your honest answer ;)
Back to the trading plan - here's our investment plan in a nutshell:
You might ask now: is THIS a complete investment plan? No, it's just a very basic sketch, applied to our specific direction. A full investment plan needs to take into account other factors, including technical ones, but this is not the place to go into more details. We will talk about it more as we go along.
=> 41% target per semester (6 months), on average - ~4.100$ ;
=> 6% monthly target, on average - 10.100$ net profit;
Ok, I think that's already enough for the day. I'll see you soon with more details, and we'll get down to some more technical stuff. Until then enjoy the EUR2008 games and take it easy!
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
How to beat the odds and ALWAYS WIN at BLACKJACK!
Hello to all buck hunters out there! Today I'm in no mood for serious stuff, so here I am telling you how to win at online blackjack. It's possible and you can see for yourself - it's just that you need to follow some guidelines, never break the rules below and always stay calm. Here's the philosophy of winning at blackjack as I tested it, and it does work - just try sticking to the rules and you should be fine:
1) Open a betting account with Gamebookers and deposit some cash (click here to register). Do not play in professional online casinos, things are more difficult over there and these rules don't apply so well. Be careful not to deposit money you cannot afford to lose. If you must gamble, do it responsibly and for fun - this is NOT going to bring you millions anyway, but it might give you some nice bucks for a weekend getaway with your girlfriend, if you're smart enough. After making your deposit, go to their casino and buy some chips. Use the maximum amount you have available, but make sure it's not too much though.
2) DO NOT PLAY ANYTHING ELSE BUT BLACKJACK! I'm serious, this is the only one worth risking your money on (that's why many promotions don't include it in the list of allowed games). No roulette, no stupid pokers, just the good old BJ! ;)
3) IF POSSIBLE, ALWAYS PLAY IN THE SMALL BETS ROOM - the 0.1$-5$ room if you have under 50-80$ in your account. For 100$ and above you should use the next room, but DO NOT PLAY IN THE BIG ROOM (where a minimum bet is 10$), no matter how much you wanna gamble. I'd advise against gambling too much anyway, but if you must do this to get your adrenaline pumping then stick to the middle room.
4) Betting procedure: Start betting small, some 2% of your entire capital (you can do this if you stick to the kiddies' room:)). If you win, you bet the same amount once again(2%). If you lose, you start over. if you win again you go ahead and double the last stake for a last bet with all your profit so far (4%). If you win a 3rd time, then u make 8% profit already, and you GET OUT. Close the session and let the money go back in your GB account, and come back in a few minutes. If you lose, you're right back where you started, and you start over again. If you must stay after 3 wins, lower the bet to 2% again (you are now up 8%, so you can afford to lose once or twice).
If you lose from the first bet then you must add 50% to your original amount. If you bet 1$ you have to go with 1.50$ next. If you still lose then you must gamble 3.50, and so on. Like that, whenever you get out of your bad streak you will have some profit left, and that's probably when you want to go for more - that will usually be your HOT time at the table, make the most of it. Keep doing it over and over, and try to stay calm. One win only can bring you back in the cards. You have a low chance of losing more than 10 times in a row, so keep your shirt on and don't fold - with 50$ in your account you can start 10c, then if you lose play 20, then 40/30, then 80/60, etc.
5) You will have your share of winning streaks , and few losing ones. The losing ones are inevitable, so you must minimize losses. The winning ones must be profitable enough to compensate for your losses. Rule of thumb: you can have 3-5 wins in a row, with a possible blackjack too, you must know when you're hot and add more to your bets. When you start losing you will know it, cause all you get is shitty cards all the time and the house has a 10 or a figure card almost all the time. You can lose - get this! - up to 10 times in a row against the house!! I know, that's just not possible, huh? Well, it is! That's why I say bet small at first and set your targets low. When things go sour and you start losing from the very beginning you will need cash to cover your losses. When things get sweet and you make some cash - you take it and get the hack outta there, and fast! ;) And then you come back...
6) how to choose if you stand or hit / double: generally, when you get a sum of 11 you can double (especially if you are winning). If the last 2-3 bets were losses DO NOT DO IT, just hit. For 12 and 13 you can hit, but I prefer standing, especially if the house has a card from 2 to 6. If the house has at least a 7 chances are higher to get a valid 17+ sum, so maybe you should hit too and take your chance. Whenever possible and sensible, don't push it, just stand. I made a lot of money by just NOT pushing it, it's really a detail that can make a big difference. Don't split unless you have 2 tens or figure cards.
7) Once you are set on a losing streak, after 3/4 losses try to give yourself a break by betting only the amount required to break even. If you lose, it's ok, since you got your money back and you can start over - if you lose then you won something in the "always double" game. Then next add more, and then more and more. Increase/double your bet with every loss, and stay calm. At some point you will most likely win one hand and make up for all the losses. VERY IMPORTANT: when that happens (you are at break even now) do not go back to betting 2%, but BET 25%/50% OF YOUR LAST BET (the one you won, the big one!). If you win, double it for a final "all or nothing". A streak of 3 would bring you a lot of cash, a loss after 2 wins will bring you back to break even. If you win 3 in a row you GET OUT, if you break even you get out and come back in a few minutes for a new session. Either way, get out at this point!
8) insurances - NEVER pay it when you have BJ, never EVER! when you have 20, it's worth paying it (anyway if the house has no blackjack there are very few chances to have 21, so you are 90% guaranteed winner, you don't want to lose stupidly if he has BJ, right?). Othewise, for a sum of less than 19 do not pay it - in this case DO NOT STAND with a small sum, try to go for 21, the HOUSE is NEVER BUSTED after you were asked for an insurance. It NEVER happened to me, although I've been in this situation hundreds of times. Generally, I lost...
9) Be happy with a small profit of 5%-10% per session. That will increase your capital, your confidence in the rules and your tolerance for disaster. You should be able to build a nice 100% profit soon, and from that point on play without risk for more and more cash. But NEVER get too greedy and NEVER BET ALL YOU HAVE, unless that's after a streak of many many losses in a row, ideally more than 8!
10) Never leave the table in the middle of a losing streak - try doing it after winning 3-4 bets in a row. Quit while you're in glory! ;)
GOOD LUCK making a quick buck out of this, and let me know how these rules are working for you! Keep calm and always remember this should be just for fun. The moment you start making big money (very small chance anyway!), they will do the utmost to bust you, therefore be smart and don't lose your head! Enjoy your weekend and stay close, more money making opportunities coming up! ;)
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Make a Fortune from Trading Online! -
Part 1) Introduction
Hey there buckhunters, long time no see! Time to take a break from betting and website advertising and move to another money-making opportunity - this time it's a really serious one. This business can make you thousands or dollars or it can literally make you millions - depending on how serious you are about it. As always, the key to making serious cash out of it is to treat it as a business and give away some time, energy and passion. The rest will come!
By now you guys may be wondering what the hack I'm talking about.. You must think I'm exaggerating or just selling you some crappy 5 bucks bargain with a million dollars label.. I can assure you that is NOT the case.. Im talking about trading the currency markets online, from the comfort of your home, with the confidence of a professional! That's right, you heard me: you can be a currency trader, and a damn good one too! I know - this is supposed to be so hard, risky and not suitable for everyone - and you're right, it is! But it's possible, and the reward is well worth the try! And I take it as a personal challenge to turn you into successful traders in no more than a few months! I've been doing this successfully for only 2 years now (after foolishly breaking even for another 2!) but I'm planning to do it a long way ahead, especially now that I found the right guys to work with and managed to achieve constant excellent results over more than 1 year.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? For starters, let me sketch a quick plan for you: 1) I tell you what the whole business is all about (next episode); 2) I tell you the account opening procedure, legal stuff and what you must do to ensure you get the most out of this business, together with all the safety precautions; I also tell you what you DON'T NEED TO KNOW UNLESS YOU WANT TO FRY YOUR BRAIN AND GIVE IT ALL UP; and 3) We go right ahead and trade together, I'll tell you everything that I do and you can do the same on your own accounts, no strings attached and 100% free of charge. My compensation will come from the broker directly (that does NOT affect you at all) and I will get it for as long as you are profitable and happy :) so guess what: I WANT TO KEEP YOU ALL HAPPY! We're in this together, and unless you are successful my commissions will drop - don't worry, I have absolutely no intention of letting that happen!
Choose your own profit limit: 100$? 1500$? 5000$? Whatever turns you on! There's a sea of money out there and we will be working with the pros, that's what will keep us ahead of the crowd and profiting. Remember - no strings attached, no charges and no hassle - just keep up with what we do right here on the blog and you will have the key that opens all doors!
That's all for now, I just wanted to arouse your curiosity and get you prepared for some REAL fun action! ;) You want to know what I want to get you into? Try googling the word FOREX, and browse the results... I'm sure that can keep you busy and alert for a few days...:)
Next time we can get things rolling - all about the investment plan and what you need to know about the market - I'll get you ready with the basic know-how. Stay close, very close - this one is possibly the most interesting direction I will follow with you guys, hope you will make the most of it!
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