Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Fortune with Google AdSense - Web Site Content

Hey again buck hunters! We're back to Google AdSense - I hope by this time you have your AdSense account open and activated & you are familiar with the program's terms and conditions. If not, please go back to the previous post on the subject. So here we are, everything is ready - it's now time to get down to serious business. First important aspect: where will you be publishing your AdSense ads? Your website content is the most important key to AdSense profit. If you don't already have a clear idea about what your site should be about, here's a few ideas.

First keyword: QUALITY CONTENT. Your website needs good quality and ORIGINAL content. You might be able to drive some traffic to your website by copy/pasting information you find here and there on the internet, but in the long run that can compromise your website image and cost you some legal trouble if you get caught. It's easier to forget about tricking the system and instead focus on good content and good marketing - and besides being the right thing to do it's also more profitable.

Do not start a website on a subject you know nothing about. Do not pick a subject you are not personally interested in - there's no point in writing about cats when you are more of a dog lover. If you are passionate about your website content the quality of your website will increase and your readers will notice that, increasing your targeted audience. Your posts should be as many as possible, but the content IS ESSENTIAL. So for starters you should only think about subjects you are really into. You will have to update your website regularly for optimal results, it will be easier for you to do so if the subject of the website is one of your favorites.

From these subjects, you should choose one that is likely to offer you good feedback from your visitors. If you manage to create a community around your website then you will have a great stream of quality content at your disposal, completely free of charge. All you need to do is intelligently moderate comments and posts and you will see your website growing by the day, with minimum effort from your part. People are encouraged to comment and communicate when they actually find your website to be interesting, so again we have to go back to our first point - quality content.

Then, if AdSense is the main channel through which you are planning to monetize your website you need to think about some specific issues. First, not all ads are equal in value - the value of a click differs according to the ad unit, publishing website, website language and domain.

Generally, from my experience, English remains the best language, as the ad competition for one slot is among the highest. I have a website in my native language with a good traffic and a lot of ad impressions - however the profit generated by AdSense on this website is ridiculously small. My websites in English are by far the champions in terms of revenue - up to 5 times more profitable than any others.

Also, your website quality content may push advertisers to really want a slot on your available ad units, in which case competing offers for, say, a 468X60 banner might push the click price higher, thus generating higher income for you. The higher the traffic and your website reputation, the higher the chance of advertisers focusing on you in particular.

Website content is truly one of the most important factors in monetizing your project. Try to choose a domain in which advertisers would afford to pay expensive clicks - up to you to research and test the most profitable domains. Financial businesses, the world of luxury products and services, rare domains in which you would have less competition and higher exposure, highly competing services desperately trying to occupy their share of the market by advertising everywhere - all these can be interesting directions to speculate. Try to be where the money is! If your website content is of little commercial importance or centered on charity work don't expect to get too much money out of it... A company with a total turnover of a couple of thousand bucks per year will most likely not invest too much in advertising - so the maximum you could get is a few cents per click, insufficient for what we aim for over here. Your aim is to end up having a steady few dollars rate per click, so that 100 clicks per day for instance could actually be a nice profit in your Adsense account at the end of the day. Even 100$ per day is already a profit worth spending a little time on.

For now, I will end here the website content considerations - but trust me, this is where it all starts! Give yourself some time to find a good domain for your project, that would prevent you from abandoning it in just a few days after the launch and wasting your work. Choose a good name for it too, people tend to remember websites with funny or strange names - by the way I hope 'Sit on Money' has already captured your attention ;)

Next time - about choosing the right ads and placing them on your website. About page impressions, clicks and CPM - the keys to Adsense success. And more... Be well and good luck!

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